Tabitha Marie (Tabby)
1996 - 2015

In Memory of Tabitha
Tabitha Marie, affectionately know as Tabby, started her life as a barn cat who came to live with me at 6 months old. Her humble beginnings certainly didn’t prepare me for the spoiled life that she would live for another 19 years. As my first pet as an adult, I didn’t realize how much responsibility a pet was and how they become part of your life, much like a human child that requires as much care, love, and devotion.
Playful and mischievous from the beginning, Tabby became my inseparable soulmate that would see me though many life changes. Even during the most trying times, she would provide unconditional love and support that is not always found among the human species. Pets are like that, instinctively giving love with nothing expected in return.
She shared three years with Bumper the chihuahua, another animal that came into my life at 6 months old. Theirs was an uneasy existence at first that developed into a tentative fondness. When Tabby passed not only did I miss her greatly, and still mourn her even after all these years, but Bumper still to this day guards the urn that I keep her in knowing that one day we will all be interred together in our final resting place at Dulaney Valley Memorial Gardens.
-Michael W.